Hi Kevin, thanks for the clarification! Social Security is paid out to the vast majority of American retirees (about 50 million), but you're right that it doesn't support each equally. It depends on how much you paid into it throughout your career. Still, there's a special minimum benefit of $880/month that even a lifetime low-wage worker will receive when they retire. And the maximum benefit is around $3,000/month that couldn't be exceeded even by someone who paid millions into the system.
I view it as similar to a basic income for a portion of our population, but I agree with you that it's different from a national UBI, where people aren't required to work & pay in at all.
I did not know that about Old Age Security. So is it correct that anyone who turns 65 & has lived in Canada receives a payment, regardless of whether they have been employed? The Canada Child Benefit seems great, too. Your home country has set up some interesting, progressive systems!